Revamped styling for responsive web design

I am relatively new to experimenting with Responsive Web Design for my website. I am struggling to align the class="label" correctly after checking it on various devices. Initially, I attempted this:

Initially, everything seemed fine. However, upon viewing the site on devices with portrait screens, the alignment appeared like this:


<div class="columnshop">
                        <div class="grid_1_of_4 images_1_of_4">
                            <div class="grid_preview">
                                <a href=""><img src="" alt=""></a>
                            <div class="price-details">
                                <span><a href="">Cabbage ( hidden,enabled)asndbbsddbsbsba</a></span>
                                <div class="price-number">$5.00</div>
                                <button id="addToCart" class="buttonlink">ADD TO CART</button>
                                <div class="clearfix"></div>

Is there a way to ensure that the text stays within the div? Specifically, if the text exceeds the width of the class="grid_1_of_4 images_1_of_4", it should break appropriately within the div.

Answer №1

The layout is designed to be adaptable and responsive. Feel free to customize the media queries for this section by adding the class flex-direction: row

Answer №2

To create a website that adapts to different screen sizes, consider implementing CSS3 media queries.

Learn more about CSS3 media queries here.

For a comprehensive guide on Responsive Web Design, check out this tutorial: Responsive Web Design Tutorial

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