Is there a way for me to adjust the image dimensions so that it doesn't surpass the width of its parent container?

When working with images, it can be tricky to set the original width while also ensuring it fits within a parent container. For example, if the parent container has a width of 1000px, you may want the image to have a max-width of 100%, but not exceed 1000px in its original size. In this case, it is important to adjust the image size accordingly.

img {max-width: 100%; width: 100%;};
.container {width: 1000px;};

Setting the image max-width to 100% should preserve the original size, while setting width to 100% is meant to prevent it from surpassing the parent container's 1000px width. However, sometimes this approach may not work as expected.

To clarify, the goal is for the image's original size to always remain under 1000px. If the image width exceeds this limit, it should automatically resize to fit within the 1000px boundary.

Answer â„–1

If you want to ensure that an image does not exceed its container, you can use the CSS property max-width: 100% on the img element.

However, there is no need to explicitly set width: 100% on the img element to display it in its original size. You can simply use width: auto, or even omit this declaration altogether as the default width for images is already auto.

Setting width: 100% will cause the image to scale to 100% of its parent element's width. This means that the image will be forced to a width of 100%. Without this declaration, the image will retain its original size.

To achieve the desired result, remove the width: 100% declaration and the magic will happen effortlessly.

Answer â„–2

Experiment with this

img {
   height: 100%,
   width: 100%;
   object-fit: contain;

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