Repairing the Left-sided Popup Leaflet

Can someone help me with fixing the positioning of the Popup to the left of the map? Currently, it does not stay aligned to the left edge when moving the map.

I tried using position: fixed in my styling, and while everything looks good when zooming, it breaks when the map is moved. Here is the code for my Map component:

<MapContainer zoom={this.state.zoom} center={center} zoomControl={false}>
                        attribution='&amp;copy <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'

                    {this.state.geoJsonIsVisibleAll[0].geoJsonIsVisible &&
                        <ChuyGeoJsonLayer url="kyrgyzstanPlaces.json" cluster={false}/>
                    {this.state.geoJsonIsVisibleAll[1].geoJsonIsVisible &&
                        <TalasGeoJsonLayer url="kyrgyzstanPlaces.json" cluster={false}/>
                    {this.state.geoJsonIsVisibleAll[2].geoJsonIsVisible &&
                        <OshGeoJsonLayer url="kyrgyzstanPlaces.json" cluster={false}/>
                    {this.state.geoJsonIsVisibleAll[3].geoJsonIsVisible &&
                        <BatkenGeoJsonLayer url="kyrgyzstanPlaces.json" cluster={false}/>
                    {this.state.geoJsonIsVisibleAll[4].geoJsonIsVisible &&
                        <JalalAbadGeoJsonLayer url="kyrgyzstanPlaces.json" cluster={false}/>
                    {this.state.geoJsonIsVisibleAll[5].geoJsonIsVisible &&
                        <NarynGeoJsonLayer url="kyrgyzstanPlaces.json" cluster={false}/>
                    {this.state.geoJsonIsVisibleAll[6].geoJsonIsVisible &&
                        <IssykKolGeoJsonLayer url="kyrgyzstanPlaces.json" cluster={false}/>

And here is the code for the popup:

    <div className="popup-info">
    <p><span>Name: </span>{}</p>
    <p><span>Location: </span>{}</p>
    <p><span>Description: </span>{}</p>

Here are the styles I am using:

.leaflet-container {
  height: 70vh;
  width: 60vw;
  position: absolute;
  right: 20%;
  top: 15%;

.popup-fixed {
  position: fixed;
  top: 0;
  left: 1% !important;
  transform: none !important;
  margin: 0;
  border-radius: 0;

Image showing the problem:

Answer №1

Consider using a modal div instead of a popup for a more user-friendly experience. You have the option to customize the inner HTML content within the modal div. Alternatively, if you prefer using popups, you can create an additional map pane and attach the popup to that specific pane.

var newPane = map.createPane('custom', document.getElementById('mapid'));

var customPopup = L.popup({
    pane: 'custom', 
    className: 'popup-custom',
    autoPan: false,

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