Tips for customizing the appearance of the day button in a React Material-UI date picker

In my React project, I am using material-ui date picker and I am looking for a way to customize the styling of the day buttons. Specifically, I want to change the text color of the available days. By default, as seen in the screenshot, the text color is black.

I have attempted the following solutions without success:

const muiTheme = getMuiTheme({
  datePicker: {
    selectColor: '#fd5f00',
    headerColor: '#f0f0f0',
    color: '#fd5f00',
    textColor: '#303030',
    calendarTextColor: '#fd5f00'
  flatButton: {
    color: '#fd5f00',
    primaryColor: '#fd5f00',
    secondaryColor: '#fd5f00',
    disabledColor: '#fd5f00',

I am hopeful that there is a solution for this issue. Thank you for your assistance.

Answer №1

To define the primary text color, simply specify palette.textColor.

const customTheme = createCustomTheme({
  palette: {
    textColor: '#fd5f00',

Upon reviewing the code in DayButton.js, it appears that disabled dates are automatically given a slight opacity adjustment, meaning that palette.textColor effectively determines the color of active days.

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