Is it possible to use window.print() to print the entire contents of a DIV with both horizontal and vertical scroll bars?

In my code, I have a div that contains both horizontal and vertical scrollers. Whenever I try to print the content inside this div using the window.print() method, it only prints the visible portion of the div. Here is the code snippet that I have attempted:

@media print {
 body * {
  visibility: hidden;
 .printableDiv * {   
  visibility: visible;
  overflow: visible;//  overflow: scroll; or overflow: auto;

When I use the overflow attribute, the content does not get printed correctly - only the top portion of the div stretches and gets printed.

@media print {
 body * {
  display: none;
 .printableDiv * {   
  display: block;
  overflow: visible;//  overflow: scroll; or overflow: auto;

If I do this, nothing gets printed at all.

@media print {
 body * {
  visibility: hidden;
 .printableDiv * {   
  visibility: visible;

This will print the visible portion of the div, but even after hiding the rest of the elements, they do not collapse to cover the whole page. I tried repositioning them with the following code, but it also did not work:

@media print {
 body * {
  visibility: hidden;
 .printableDiv * {   
  visibility: visible;
.printableDiv * {
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;

Please provide a solution on how to print the content that is behind the scroll bars. I would also like to mention that this div is dynamically populated during runtime and does not contain static values.

Answer №1

visibility: hidden simply hides an element from view, but it still takes up space in the layout. On the other hand, using display: none removes the element completely from the flow of the page.

To achieve the desired effect, it's recommended to apply display: none to all elements except for the one specified as printableDiv and its parent elements. Additionally, any positioning styles on printableDiv and its parents should be removed or reset.

This approach will vary depending on the HTML structure and how printableDiv (and its parents) were originally positioned. For example:

<div id="header">...</div>
<div id="content">
  <div id="sidebar">...</div>
  <div class="printableDiv">...</div>
  <div id="footer">...</div>
@media print {
  #header, #sidebar, #footer {
    display: none;
  #content, .printableDiv {
    position: static;
    margin: 0;

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