Issue with Vue2: DIV does not adjust height when using v-for loop

I have a div set up like:

<div class="pt-4">
  <div class="inline-block float-left" v-for="(genre, index) in moreData.genres" :key="index">
    <span v-if="index < moreData.genres.length-1" class="mr-2">{{ }},</span>
    <span v-else>{{ }}</span>

However, when the content of the v-for statement is rendered, the height of the div remains unchanged. This results in the next element overlapping or floating over it. I tried adding "clear: both" but it doesn't seem like an elegant solution to me.

Answer №1

After experimenting, I discovered that using "display: flex" solved the issue perfectly. It reacts to changes in content and adjusts the dimensions of the DIV accordingly.

Answer №2

It seems like you're facing an issue, but if I understand correctly you may want to try using flexbox

.flex {
<div class="pt-4">
  <div class="flex">
    <div class="genre">
      <span class="mr-2">Name,</span>
      <div class="genre">
      <span class="mr-2">Name,</span>
      <div class="genre">
      <span class="mr-2">Name</span>

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