Make the width of a table column match the width of the header

I am currently using Primeng2 datatable and I am looking to adjust the column width to match the header size.

This is my HTML code:

<p-dataTable #dtselfcollectmonthly [exportFilename]="exportname" [rows]="10" [value]="rawdatatrucks">
    <ng-container *ngFor="let col of colheaders">
        <p-column [field]="col.field" [header]="col.header" [style]="{'width':'100%'}" //setting width to 100% fails></p-column>

Even after setting the width to 100%, it doesn't match the header size. Any suggestions on what else I need to add?

Answer №1

To properly set the width of the table, it is recommended to define it first before setting any specific styles on the column tag. Instead, consider configuring the width on the ng-container element within your HTML structure:

<p-dataTable .... [tableStyle]="{width: '380px','text-align':'center'}" ... >
  <ng-container style="width:100%" ...

Check out this DEMO - please note that this is just an illustrative example and not a direct representation of your code.

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