Implementing jQuery to showcase an element on the screen

I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who has helped me. Please forgive my poor English :)

Can someone provide me with a jQuery script that can extract the name of the currently selected tab and display it in an h1 tag? Whenever the selected tab changes, I want the content in the h1 tag to dynamically update.

For example, here is my current setup:

<div class="header-inner">
      <div class="cal-menu-na">
        <h1>Text Here</h1>
    <div class="navbar">
      <span class="sone active"><a href="javascript:void(0);" data-tab="one">One ABC</a></span>
      <span class="stwo"><a href="javascript:void(0);" data-tab="two">Two XYZ</a></span>
      <span class="sthree"><a href="javascript:void(0);" data-tab="three">Three QWE</a></span>
      <span class="sfour"><a href="javascript:void(0);" data-tab="four">Four FGH</a></span>

    <div class="main-contain">
      <div class="tabContainer">
        <div id="one" class="Tabcondent active">Tab One</div>
        <div id="two" class="Tabcondent">Tab Two</div>
        <div id="three" class="Tabcondent">Tab Three</div>
        <div id="four" class="Tabcondent">Tab Four</div>

What I am aiming for is:

<div class="header-inner">
      <div class="cal-menu-na">
        <h1>One ABC ( or Two XYZ or Three QWE or Four FGH )</h1>
    <div class="navbar">
      <span class="sone active"><a href="javascript:void(0);" data-tab="one">One ABC</a></span>
      <span class="stwo"><a href="javascript:void(0);" data-tab="two">Two XYZ</a></span>
      <span class="sthree"><a href="javascript:void(0);" data-tab="three">Three QWE</a></span>
      <span class="sfour"><a href="javascript:void(0);" data-tab="four">Four FGH</a></span>

    <div class="main-contain">
      <div class="tabContainer">
        <div id="one" class="Tabcondent active">Tab One</div>
        <div id="two" class="Tabcondent">Tab Two</div>
        <div id="three" class="Tabcondent">Tab Three</div>
        <div id="four" class="Tabcondent">Tab Four</div>

You can find a full demo at:

Answer №1

Utilize this code to change the content of a clicked tab to match that of an h1 element:


View Demo

  • closest locates the first parental element matching the criteria.
  • prev retrieves the immediate previous sibling, excluding text nodes.
  • find finds descendants that match the specified selector.

This snippet is useful for updating text in multiple instances of similar HTML structures. However, if you only have one instance of the structure, you can simplify by using

$("div.header-inner > .cal-menu-na > h1").text($(this).text())

Answer №2

To change the text in the 'h1' element to the selected text from the 'a' element, simply use the .text() method within a click event:

$('.cal-menu-na h1').text($(this).text());

Check out the demo here!

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