Make the Angular Modal scrollable except for when a specific div is being click dragged

I am working on an Ionic app that uses AngularJS. One issue I encountered is with a modal popup that can sometimes extend beyond the visible area.

To address this, we applied overflow: hidden to its CSS class.

However, there is a specific functionality in this modal where users can draw lines on the map by clicking and dragging. These lines are drawn perfectly within a <div> element.

Is there a way to prevent click-drag actions when a user initiates a click within this <div> tag?

Update: I still need assistance. The modal was displaying behavior similar to what is described in this post: How to make modal scroll with main page

Currently, my code looks like this:

<ion-modal-view class="my-modal">
  <ion-content style="position:absolute">
      <div class="row main-wrapper">
          <div class="left-panel-wrapper {{setSize}} col-25" >
              <div ng-show="!showMyPlans || loading" class="left-panel {{setSize}} item-animate">
                  <h3>My Plan Templates</h3>
                  <p>Select a template from the left or select to start from scratch.</p>
                  <ion-content scroll='true' class="left-panel-template">
                      <div ng-repeat="template in templates" ng-class-even="'float-right'" ng-class-odd="'float-left'">
                          <div class="usemouse graph-bg templates-bg {{setSize}}">
                              <div data-drag="true" ng-model="templates" jqyoui-draggable="{index:{{$index}}, placeholder: 'keep', deepCopy: true}" data-jqyoui-options="{revert: 'invalid', helper: 'clone', containment: '.my-modal'}">
                                  <svg ng-style="{'position': 'absolute', 'height': '{{rawSmallSize}}px', 'width': '{{rawSmallSize}}px'}" ng-repeat="line in template.lines">
                                      <line ng-attr-x1="{{line.x1*smscale}}" ng-attr-y1="{{line.y1*smscale}}" ng-attr-x2="{{line.x2*smscale}}" ng-attr-y2="{{line.y2*smscale}}"></line>
                              <div ng-show="template.lines.length == 0" class="usemouse graph-bg templates-bg {{setSize}} templates-blank text-center" style="margin-top:0" on-tap="newBlankPlan();">
                                  <h6  style="margin-top:0" >Blank</h6>

Answer №1

To address the wiggle problem, we resolved it by completely eliminating any padding within the modal.

<ion-content style="position:absolute; padding-top:0">
    <div class="row main-wrapper">
        <div class="left-panel-wrapper {{setSize}} col-25" >

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