Representation of a family tree in CSS showcasing multiple sub-parents (both many to one and one to many relationships)

I've come across various family tree presentations. I'm curious if it's possible to display a one-to-many and then many-to-one structure? Currently, the flow is linear stop after stop, but I'd like to incorporate multiple steps that converge back into a single step. I've seen an inverted family tree where it's flipped 180 degrees. Is there a way to combine these two concepts?

.tree {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

/* CSS code continues... */

<div class="tree">
      <a href="#">Parent</a>
          <a href="#">Child</a>
            <li><a href="#">Grand Child</a></li>
              <a href="#">Grand Child</a>

               /* HTML code continues... */


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