Issue with autoplay slideshow functionality not activating when opened in a new tab

The owl.carousel.js plugin is used for creating a jQuery slideshow. Initially, the slideshow works correctly, but I noticed that the autoplay feature stops working when I open a new tab in Firefox or Chrome.

Demo : Demo :

$(document).ready(function () {
   var owl = $('.owl-carousel');
       items: 5,
       margin: 10,
       autoplay: true,
        stopOnHover : false,
       autoplayTimeout: 1000,
       dots: false

   $('.play').on('click', function () {
       owl.trigger('play.owl.autoplay', [1000])
   $('.stop').on('click', function () {

Answer №1

The issue has been documented and resolved in the updated release. Check out the bug report here.
To address this issue, simply update your script to the most recent version available.
You can download the latest release of Owl Carousel (v2.3.0) from this link:
Owl Carousel v2.3.0

Answer №2

To resolve the issue, it is suggested to eliminate the trigger by interacting with non-existent "play" and "stop" buttons.

Make sure to retain

owl.trigger('play.owl.autoplay', [1000]);
within your document ready function.

Give it a shot. Unfortunately, I am unable to access the plugin for testing at this moment.

Answer №3

Thank goodness, this code fixed the issue I was facing!

After implementing this setInterval function, my problem with owl autoplay was resolved:

Despite not knowing the exact cause of the problem, this code came to the rescue and solved it for me.

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