I've been scratching my head trying to understand why this Safari browser issue is happening on this page: . It seems to be working perfectly fine on all other browsers that I've tested so far!
The code includes some jquery and css to adjust the sidebar, content heights, and ensure the footer sticks at the bottom of the page. Everything appears to work fine on other pages of the site, but for some reason, this problem only shows up on the newsletter page in Safari.
Would greatly appreciate it if anyone could spot what might be causing this issue?
Below is the jQuery script being used:
// Position Elements on Newsletter Page
// Clear previously specified heights
$("#modulePage6177253, #modulePage6177253 #canvasWrapper, #modulePage6177253 #canvas").height('auto');
$("#moduleContentWrapper6177535").insertBefore("#modulePage6177253 #pageBodyWrapper");
$("#moduleContentWrapper6177544").appendTo("#modulePage6177253 #pageFooterWrapper");
$("#modulePage6177253 #pageFooterWrapper").insertAfter("#modulePage6177253 #canvasWrapper");
equalHeight($("#modulePage6177253 #sidebar1, #modulePage6177253 #content"));
equalHeight($("#modulePage6177253, #modulePage6177253 #canvasWrapper, #modulePage6177253 #canvas"));
$("#modulePage6177253 #canvasWrapper").css("margin-bottom", "-100px");
function equalHeight(group) {
tallest = 0;
group.each(function() {
thisHeight = $(this).height();
if(thisHeight > tallest) {
tallest = thisHeight;