What is the best way to create floating text that appears when clicked, similar to the mechanics


Upon clicking the "big cookie" in my game, a popup appears displaying the number of cookies earned (like +276.341 septillion in this image). The popup slowly moves upward and then fades out.

I successfully incorporated the moving up and fading out effect using CSS animations. However, I need to display multiple numbers at once and ensure they appear at the cursor position. How can I clone these elements and achieve the desired functionality?

Answer №1

If you are unsure about the technologies being used, here is a way to implement it using vanilla HTML and JS. Assuming that you have already created the HTML & CSS, convert your HTML code into a template as shown below:

<template id="floating-text-template">
  <!-- Insert your existing code here -->

Next, in your JavaScript file, clone the template whenever a click event occurs:

function onClick(event) {
  const template = document.getElementByID('#floating-text-template').content.cloneNode(true);
  const element = template.querySelector('.floating-text') // Replace this class name with your own
  element.style.left = `${event.clientX}px`
  element.style.top = `${event.clientY}px`

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