The default values for CSS filters

I have a keen interest in various CSS filters:


Could someone provide the default values for each filter (preferably as a % value, where applicable)?

The MDN documentation does not contain this information!

For those interested in more details

This extra information is only intended for individuals seeking context.

In Angular, I am applying filters like this:

<div [ngStyle]="{ filter:
  'brightness(' + filters.brightness + '%) ' +
  'contrast(' + filters.contrast + '%) ' +
  'grayscale(' + filters.grayscale + '%) ' +
  'saturate(' + filters.saturate + '%) ' +
  'sepia(' + filters.sepia + '%) ' +
  'hue-rotate(' + filters['hue-rotate'] + 'deg) ' +
  'invert(' + filters.invert + '%)'

Therefore, I need to establish default values for each filter in the controller, based on the "usual" defaults - which unfortunately remain unknown to me!

Answer №1

The guidelines elaborate on this concept, suggesting that percentages are only acceptable when the filter recognizes values as numbers or percentages.

In relation to blur:

The starting point for interpolation is set at 0px.

In reference to brightness:

The default interpolation value begins at 1.

And it continues in this manner...

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