How can one safeguard their JavaScript code from potential threats and unauthorized access?

How can I ensure that a web app is not accessible or operated from the local file system?

The app has a custom front-end workspace created with JS and various libraries, which should only be usable when the user is logged in to the domain with an active internet connection.

If a user tries to save the page and associated files to the local file system and then attempts to access the workspace, is there a way to prevent this?

Is it possible to implement a solution for this scenario?

Answer №1

If an individual is truly determined to examine the code in operation, there is no way to prevent it since it is executing on their personal device. They have full control over their device and can inspect network requests (such as those from their browser or operating system) as they please.

If there is sensitive information that should never be accessible to the client, the only solution is to refrain from sending that data to the client in the first place.

There are techniques available to detect whether a script is being executed from a website or a file, for example:

if (window.location.href.startsWith('file:')) {
  throw new Error();

However, even if such methods are employed, users may still analyze the script and make alterations if they so choose.

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