What is the best way to implement CSS in this JavaScript Fetch code in order to manipulate the text's position and font style

Hello, I am just starting out with JS. Is there a way for me to customize the position and font of text in this JS Fetch function using CSS? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

let file = 'art.txt';
const handleFetch = () => {
    .then((x) => x.text())
    .then((y) => (document.getElementById('kdkz').innerHTML = y));

setInterval(() => handleFetch(), 2000);
 <p id="kdkz"></p>

Answer №1

Update the handleFetch() function like this:

const handleFetch = () => {
      .then((x) => x.text())
      .then((y) => {
        const target = document.getElementById('kdkz');
        target.innerHTML = y;
        target.style.textAlign = 'center'; // Adjust the alignment here.

Alternatively, you can include CSS styles directly in your HTML document using the <style> tag before the <body>.

#kdkz {
  text-align: center; /* Adjust the alignment here */

Answer №2

Simply include

#kdkz {
  /*custom styling*/

Once the browser retrieves it, the styling will be implemented.

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