Unlock the power of Component level CSS in NextJS with this simple guide!

I don't have much experience with CSS, as I rarely write it these days due to the popularity of libraries like MUI. However, I recently found myself in a tricky situation where I needed to rewrite this example Emabla carousel in typescript and NextJS.

The issue I'm facing is related to CSS. When I import it globally, everything works fine, but I prefer to import it at the component level. Here is how my code structure looks:

The ProductSlider.tsx corresponds to EmblaCarousel.js in the sample project, and the ProductSlider.module.css file is similar to the embla.css.

This is what my ProductSlider component looks like:

import s from './ProductSlider.module.css'
import React, { useState, useEffect, useCallback, memo } from 'react'
import useEmblaCarousel from 'embla-carousel-react'
import Thumbnail from './Thumbnail'
import Image from 'next/image'
import { Box } from '@mui/material'

// Component definition here...

I have successfully implemented basic CSS styling, but my challenge lies in how to handle classes like

embla__container embla__container--thumb
using named imports.

For instance, how do I deal with elements like this:

className={`embla__slide embla__slide--thumb ${
selected ? 'is-selected' : ''

In cases where there are two identical classes, I understand that I can use clsx like this:

cn(s.embla__container, s.embla__container)
. But when dealing with modifiers like --thumb, some_name--thumb, some_name-is-selected, or simply is-selected, I'm unsure of the best approach.

Answer №1

Attempt to accomplish this task

import s from './ProductSlider.module.css'
import React, { useState, useEffect, useCallback, memo } from 'react'
import useEmblaCarousel from 'embla-carousel-react'
import Thumbnail from './Thumbnail'
import Image from 'next/image'
import { Box } from '@mui/material'

type ProductSliderProps = {
items: {
    url: string
    alt?: string

const ProductSlider = ({ items }: ProductSliderProps) => {
const [selectedIndex, setSelectedIndex] = useState(0)
const [mainViewportRef, embla] = useEmblaCarousel({ skipSnaps: false })
const [thumbViewportRef, emblaThumbs] = useEmblaCarousel({
    containScroll: 'keepSnaps',
    dragFree: true,

const onThumbClick = useCallback(
    (index) => {
    if (!embla || !emblaThumbs) return
    if (emblaThumbs.clickAllowed()) embla.scrollTo(index)
    [embla, emblaThumbs]

const onSelect = useCallback(() => {
    if (!embla || !emblaThumbs) return
}, [embla, emblaThumbs, setSelectedIndex])

useEffect(() => {
    if (!embla) return
    embla.on('select', onSelect)
}, [embla, onSelect])

return (
    <Box className={s.embla}>
        <Box className={s.embla__viewport} ref={mainViewportRef}>
        <Box className={s.embla__container}>
            {items.map(({ url, alt }, idx) => (
            <Box className={s.embla__slide} key={idx}>
                <Box className={s.embla__slide__inner}>

    <Box className="embla embla--thumb">
        <Box className={s.embla__viewport} ref={thumbViewportRef}>
        <Box className="embla__container embla__container--thumb">
            {items.map(({ url, alt }, idx) => (
                onClick={() => onThumbClick(idx)}
                selected={idx === selectedIndex}

        // Add your custom CSS styles here     


export default memo(ProductSlider)

Answer №2

After reading through this response, I decided to implement the following solution:

import s from './ProductSlider.module.css'
import React, { useState, useEffect, useCallback, memo } from 'react'
import useEmblaCarousel from 'embla-carousel-react'
import Thumbnail from './Thumbnail'
import Image from 'next/image'
import { Box } from '@mui/material'

type ProductSliderProps = {
items: {
    url: string
    alt?: string

const ProductSlider = ({ items }: ProductSliderProps) => {
const [selectedIndex, setSelectedIndex] = useState(0)
const [mainViewportRef, embla] = useEmblaCarousel({ skipSnaps: false })
const [thumbViewportRef, emblaThumbs] = useEmblaCarousel({
    containScroll: 'keepSnaps',
    dragFree: true,

const onThumbClick = useCallback(
    (index) => {
    if (!embla || !emblaThumbs) return
    if (emblaThumbs.clickAllowed()) embla.scrollTo(index)
    [embla, emblaThumbs]

const onSelect = useCallback(() => {
    if (!embla || !emblaThumbs) return
}, [embla, emblaThumbs, setSelectedIndex])

useEffect(() => {
    if (!embla) return
    embla.on('select', onSelect)
}, [embla, onSelect])

return (
    <Box className={s.embla}>
        <Box className={s.embla__viewport} ref={mainViewportRef}>
        <Box className={s.embla__container}>
            {items.map(({ url, alt }, idx) => (
            <Box className={s.embla__slide} key={idx}>
                <Box className={s.embla__slide__inner}>

    <Box className={`${s.embla} ${s['embla--thumb']}`}>
        <Box className={s.embla__viewport} ref={thumbViewportRef}>
            className={`${s.embla__container} ${s['embla__container--thumb']}`}
            {items.map(({ url, alt }, idx) => (
                onClick={() => onThumbClick(idx)}
                selected={idx === selectedIndex}

export default memo(ProductSlider)

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