What causes the disparity in the rendering of iframe content height when using "src" compared to "srcdoc"?

After comparing the behaviors of iframes with src and srcdoc, I stumbled upon a puzzling difference: a div set to 100% height renders as the full height of the iframe when using src=[data uri], but not with srcdoc.

The issue can be easily replicated with this code snippet: https://codepen.io/jamadeo/pen/LYJMzEG

When using src along with an inlined data URI, the div fills the entire height of the iframe:

<iframe src="data:text/html,<div style=&quot;background-color: red; height: 100%&quot;>hello, world</div>"></iframe>

However, when using srcdoc, the div is only the height of its content.

<iframe srcdoc="<div style=&quot;background-color: red; height: 100%&quot;>hello, world</div>"></iframe>

This discrepancy between the two methods was unexpected. While researching differences in behavior between src and srcdoc, I found ample information on cross-origin issues and browser compatibility, yet nothing regarding rendering discrepancies.

Answer №1

srcdoc automatically creates a document in standards mode, while src does not. To achieve the same result, you must include <!DOCTYPE html> at the beginning of the src content.

For detailed guidelines, refer to HTML living standard, The "initial" insertion mode and pay attention to sections that mention "if the document is not an iframe srcdoc document..."

<iframe src="data:text/html,<!DOCTYPE html><div style=&quot;background-color: red; height: 100%;&quot;>hello, world</div>"></iframe>

<iframe srcdoc="<div style=&quot;background-color: red; height: 100%;&quot;>hello, world</div>"></iframe>

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