applying hover effect to text within a table

After investing some time into solving this issue, I am still struggling to find a solution. Essentially, what I want is for the :hover pseudo-class to trigger the border-bottom effect only when I hover over the text in a table.

Currently, the :hover pseudo-class activates when I hover within the table cell, but my aim is to have it activate specifically when hovering over the text.

Here is the link to my jsfiddle for reference:

(Unfortunately, the border-bottom effect isn't highlighting in the jsfiddle preview)

Here are snippets of my code:

        <table id="navbar">
            <td class="nav1"></td>
            <td id="hover" class="nav2"><a href="">home</a></td>
            <td id="hover" class="nav2"><a href="">products</a></td>
            <td id="hover" class="nav2"><a href="">services</a></td>
            <td id="hover" class="nav2"><a href="">about</a></td>
            <td id="hover" class="nav2"><a href="">contact</a></td>
            <td class="nav1"></td>

table#navbar {
border:3px solid black;
margin:0 auto;

td.nav2 {

td.nav1 {

a:visited, a:link  {

td#hover:hover {
border-bottom:3px solid e8e8e8;

I apologize if my question is unclear.

Edit: I have fixed the issue with the jsfiddle, thank you for all the responses!

Edit 2: I believe I have successfully achieved the desired functionality, thanks again for all the help.

Answer №2

Here's a simple solution:

The issue lies where you are specifying the bottom border color:

border-bottom:3px solid e8e8e8;

It should actually be:

border-bottom:3px solid #e8e8e8;

Now, for a more detailed explanation:

Your code has several other issues that may not be the cause of the error but should still be addressed. Consider using lists for navigation and make sure to use unique IDs for elements in your HTML.

Answer №3

There are a couple of issues to address here. Firstly, you have duplicated the same ID which is causing a problem. You should consider changing your selector to td.nav2 a:hover to make use of the class instead. Secondly, ensure that you include the '#' before the color code in your definition; omitting the hash may result in using a color by name (such as white, black, red, green, blue, etc).

The current CSS selector in place targets the entire <td>.

td.nav2 a:hover {
  border-bottom: 3px solid #e8e8e8;
  padding-bottom: 1px;

This will only trigger when the user hovers over the link.

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