Proper Method for Constructing Forms

While developing a signup form, I've noticed that I often turn to using tables for proper alignment, similar to the approach used on the MySpace signup page where colspan is utilized to evenly space out elements. Is this method going against conventional practices? Should I be exploring more advanced CSS techniques instead?

Answer №1

My suggestion would be to eliminate the table completely and focus more on utilizing CSS for styling. You might find this resource helpful:

Answer №2

My go-to method is utilizing Divs, floats, and margins instead of tables

Answer №3

It goes against the norm to position elements like this. It's recommended to utilize CSS for proper positioning. The CSS doesn't have to be overly complex. For instance:

<div class="field-name"><label for="birthday">Birthday</label></div>
<div class="field"><input class="text-field" name="birthday" type="text" /></div>

CSS styling can be applied to these elements.

.field-name{ float:left; width:100px; }
.field{float:left; width:150px;}

This setup should align your fields side by side. Keep in mind that this is a basic example. If necessary, you can eliminate the divs and adjust the CSS accordingly. I hope this explanation is helpful.

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