Changing the background color using jQuery switch case statement

I am attempting to utilize jquery to dynamically change the background image of a webpage based on different cases in a JavaScript switch statement. I have completed three steps:

1) Included this script tag in my HTML document:

<script src=""></script>

2) Set up my switch case (which I confirmed is being triggered) in the HTML document like this:

function calcBackground() {
switch(counter) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
    //no significant action

3) Added the following CSS code:

body {
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-size: 100% auto;

body.background1 {

body.background2 {

body.background3 {

Note: The URL for body.background1 is intentionally the same as the default background URL for the page. However, the backgrounds are not changing when the switch statement is executed.

What could be missing or incorrect in my implementation?

Answer №1

It seems like you are not removing any classes in your current implementation. This could lead to all three classes eventually being applied to the body element, especially if this code is part of a slideshow.

Consider incorporating the following function:

function changeBackground() {
    switch (counter) {
        $('body').removeClass('background1 background2 background3');
        case 1:
        case 2:
        case 3:
            // no specific action

Answer №2

Initially, it appears that there is no presence of a counter, so one can assume that it has not been set. A potentially tidier function could be devised like this:

function updateBackground() {
    if(typeof counter !== 'undefined'){
        $('body').removeClass('background1 background2 background3')
                 .addClass('background' + counter);

Alternatively, if the body element does not hold any additional classes (ever):

function updateBackground() {
    if(typeof counter !== 'undefined'){
        $('body').attr('class', 'background' + counter);

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