Unable to locate the sibling element using CSS Selector with Selenium

When using a CSS Selector to click on the next sibling element in Selenium WebDriver, an InvalidSelectorException is thrown.

If we consider my DOM structure:

<div class="checkbox-group">
       <span class="checkbox">::after</span> <!--clicking on this span checks the checkbox-->
       <span class="checkbox-name">Male</span> <!--clicking on this span does not check the checkbox-->
      <span class="checkbox">::after</span>
      <span class="checkbox-name">Female</span>

Here is the Java code snippet:

List<WebElement> checkboxes;

public void selectCheckbox(String value){
    for(WebElement checkbox : checkboxes){
        String text = checkbox.getText();
            WebElement control = checkbox.findElement(By.cssSelector("+.checkbox"));//The exception occurs here     

The Exception message states:

org.openqa.selenium.InvalidSelectorException: invalid selector: An invalid or illegal selector was specified. 
** Element info: {Using=css selector, value=+.checkbox} 

Answer №1

Instead of searching for the element with the class checkbox-name and verifying if it contains the String value, you can streamline the process by directly locating that element using the text attribute in the xpath.
Once you have identified the element, you can utilize the following-sibling axis in the xpath to access the adjacent span element which can be clicked.

All of this can be achieved using a single xpath query:

public void selectCheckbox(String value){
    WebElement checkBox = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[@class='checkbox-group']//span[text()="+value+"]//following-sibling::span"));

Answer №2

While some may suggest using xpath to solve this problem easily, it's important to note that I already have that solution in place. The real question here is why selenium isn't functioning correctly even with the correct CSS selector.

Xpath approach:

public void chooseCheckbox(String value){
    for(WebElement checkbox : checkboxes){
        String text = checkbox.getText();
            WebElement control = checkbox.findElement(By.xpath("./parent::div/span[@class='checkbox']"));

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