Prevent click event from bubbling up in React and DOM event mix situations

We are offering a menu here. In case the menu is visible, users should be able to close it by clicking anywhere on the screen:

class Menu extends Component {
  componentWillMount() {
    document.addEventListener("click", this.handleClickOutside);

  componentWillUnmount() {
    document.removeEventListener("click", this.handleClickOutside);

  openModal = () => {

  handleClickOutside = ({ target }) => {
    const { displayMenu, toggleMenu, displayModal } = this.props;

    if (displayMenu) {
      if (displayModal || this.node.contains(target)) {
  render() {
    return (
      <section ref={node => (this.node = node)}>
          <button onClick={this.openModal}>open modal</button>
          <button onClick={this.openModal}>open modal</button>
          <button onClick={this.openModal}>open modal</button>

In the menu, users have the option to open a modal by clicking on a button within the menu. To close the modal, there are two options: click on the "close modal" button inside the modal itself, or click on the backdrop/overlay outside the modal:

class Modal extends Component {
  hideModal = () => {

  onOverlayClick = ({ target, currentTarget }) => {
    if (target === currentTarget) {

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="modal-container" onClick={this.onOverlayClick}>
        <div className="modal">
          <button onClick={this.hideModal}>close modal</button>

When both the menu and modal are open, I want the modal to close only when the user clicks on the close modal button or modal overlay. The menu should remain open until the second click (when the modal is already closed). This condition should handle that scenario:

if (displayModal || this.node.contains(target)) {

If the displayModal is true, then nothing should happen. However, in my case, the hideModal function executes faster than toggleMenu, which causes issues as displayModal will already be set to false when handleClickOutside is called.

For a complete test case with an open menu and modal from the start, please visit:

Answer №1

Delving deeper into this topic, my recent investigation on a similar issue has led me to a more detailed explanation. If you're short on time, simply jump straight to the solutions below.

Possible Solutions

I have two solutions in mind - one offers a quick and easy fix, while the other is a cleaner approach that involves an additional click handler component.

1.) Quick Fix

In Modal.js, within the onOverlayClick function, incorporate stopImmediatePropagation as shown:

  onOverlayClick = e => {
    // Preventing click propagation in the React event system
    // Stopping click propagation to the native document click listener in Menu.js
    if ( === e.currentTarget) {

When there are two click listeners registered on the document - the top-level React listener and your listener in

Menu.js</code -, using <code>e.nativeEvent
accesses the native DOM event encapsulated by React. By employing stopImmediatePropagation, you can prevent the second listener from triggering, thereby avoiding unintended closure of the menu when attempting to close the modal. For further details, refer to the provided link.

Codesandbox Demo

2.) The Cleaner Approach

This solution simplifies matters by utilizing event.stopPropagation. All event handling, including the outside click handler, is managed by React, obviating the need for

. The click-handler.jsx serves as a proxy intercepting all click events at the top level and directing them through the React event system to the designated components.

Create click-handler.jsx:

import React from "react";

export const clickListenerApi = { addClickListener, removeClickListener };

export const ClickHandler = ({ children }) => {
  return (
        style={{ minHeight: "100vh" }} 
        onClick={e => { 
            clickListeners.forEach(cb => cb(e)); 

let clickListeners = [];

function addClickListener(cb) {

function removeClickListener(cb) {
  clickListeners = clickListeners.filter(l => l !== cb);

Adapt Menu.js:

class Menu extends Component {

  componentDidMount() {

  componentWillUnmount() {

  openModal = e => {
    const { showModal } = this.props;

  render() {... }

Update index.js:

const App = () => (
  <Provider store={store}>
      <Page />

Demo with Codesandbox


If both the modal dialog and the menu are open, clicking outside the modal once triggers the correct behavior in your current code - closing both elements. This occurs because the document has already received the click event and prepares to execute your handleClickOutside function in Menu. Subsequently, preventing it via e.stopPropagation() in the onOverlayClick callback of Modal becomes impractical.

To comprehend the sequence of click event firing, we must grasp that React operates its own synthetic Event Handling system (1, 2). Key point being, React employs top-level event delegation by attaching a single listener to document encompassing all event types.

For instance, consider having a button

<button id="foo" onClick={...}>Click here</button>
nested somewhere in the DOM. Clicking the button kicks off a standard click event propagating up to document, then onward till reaching the DOM root. React intercepts this click event with its solitary listener placed at document, afterward navigating internal virtual DOM anew to identify and call any relevant click callbacks specified with onClick={...} in your components. Hence, your button's onClick logic gets executed subsequently.

An intriguing aspect is that by the time React processes these click events (now synthetic React events), the native click event traversed the complete capture/bubbling cycle in the DOM before fading out from the native DOM! This disparity between native click handlers (document.addEventListener) and React's onEvent traits in JSX makes their combination error-prone and intricate. Always prioritize React event handlers for consistent behavior.

Please explore the following resources for detailed insights:

  • Understanding React's Synthetic Event System (includes linked article)
  • ReactJS SyntheticEvent stopPropagation() only works with React events?
  • Additional Resource on React and DOM Events

Hope this guide proves beneficial to you.

Answer №2

To prevent the event from bubbling up to the parent, include a call to event.stopPropagation() within your onOverlayClick() function along with hiding the modal. Here's how you can implement it:

onOverlayClick = e => {
  if ( === e.currentTarget) {

Answer №3

To ensure the displayMenu variable updates properly, simply introduce a small timeout:

class Popup extends Component {
  closePopup = () => {
    const { closePopup } = this.props;
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 300); // You can also try with 150ms

See it in action here

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