Instead of overlapping the content, my overlay shifts the entire page downwards

I am looking to create a dynamic user experience where clicking on an image triggers a <div> overlay that darkens the background. However, instead of simply appearing over the current screen, I want the overlay to push everything else beneath it.

Before Overlay:

After Applying Overlay (notice how it pushes other elements down):

Additionally, I would like users to be able to close the overlay by clicking outside of it on the darkened background. Is this possible?


<section id="content">
    <div class="container">
        <section id="grid" class="clearfix">
            <div class="cf show-grid">
                <div class="row">
                <!-- Start Overlay -->
                <div id="overlay"></div>
                <!-- End Overlay -->
                <!-- Start Special Centered Box -->
                <div id="specialBox">
                <button onmousedown="toggleOverlay()">Close Overlay</button>
                <!-- End Special Centered Box -->
                <!-- Start Normal Page Content -->
                <div id="wrapper">
                <button onmousedown="toggleOverlay()">Apply Overlay</button>
               <!-- End Normal Page Content -->

               <div class="grid-2 dashboardIcons">
                   <h3 class="fontAmaticH1">Stress & Anxiety</h3>
                       <a href="stess-anxiety.php"><img src="images/stress.jpg"></a>
                <div class="grid-2 dashboardIcons">
                    <h3 class="fontAmaticH1">Mindfulness</h3>
                       <a class="cursor" onmousedown="toggleOverlay()"><img src="images/mindfulness.jpg"></a>

                <div class="grid-2 dashboardIcons">
                     <h3 class="fontAmaticH1">Exam Preperation</h3>
                        <a href="exam-prep.php"><img src="images/examPrep.jpg"></a>


/*Creating overlays for modules */
div#overlay {
    display: none;
    z-index: 2;
    background: #000;
    position: fixed;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    top: 0px;
    left: 0px;
    text-align: center;
div#specialBox {
    display: none;
    position: relative;
    z-index: 3;
    margin: 150px auto 0px auto;
    width: 500px; 
    height: 300px;
    background: #FFF;
    color: #000;
div#wrapper {
    top: 0px;
    left: 0px;


/* Script for page overlays within module pages */
function toggleOverlay(){
  var overlay = document.getElementById('overlay');
    var specialBox = document.getElementById('specialBox'); = .8;
    if( == "block"){ = "none"; = "none";
    } else { = "block"; = "block";

Just a heads up, I am utilizing Foldy Grids to ensure responsiveness in my div layout.

Answer №1

If you are targeting div#specialBox, consider using the following CSS:

position: fixed;
top: 150px;
left: 50%;
transform: translateX(-50%); /* this will center the box */

You can safely remove this code below (also for div#specialBox):

position: relative;
margin: 150px auto 0px auto;

When div#specialBox has a position: relative, it remains in the main flow and pushes other elements down. Using fixed or absolute removes the block from this flow.

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