What's the name of the auto-triggered dropdown menu feature?

Visit Amazon's official website Description:

Within the 'Shop by Department' section-

A drop-down menu that remains visible without requiring you to hover over it. However, when the browser is in a non-full-screen mode, the menu disappears and hovering is necessary to reveal the drop-down.

What is the proper term for this feature?

Answer №1

A detailed analysis of Amazon's Mega-dropdown feature has been deconstructed and documented in this GitHub repository: https://github.com/kamens/jQuery-menu-aim. For further insights, you can refer to the breakdown provided here:

By visualizing a triangle formed by the current mouse position and the upper and lower right corners of the dropdown menu at each cursor location, it is possible to predict if the user is moving towards the submenu. This technique, implemented by Amazon, results in a seamless user experience where the submenu remains open as long as the cursor stays within the defined boundaries. Even if the cursor briefly hovers over other options, such as "Appstore for Android," it anticipates that the user is navigating towards "Learn more about Cloud Drive."

Answer №2

From my perspective, it seems like there was a dropdown menu designed to remain visible at all times when the screen size allows for it. This particular web design element doesn't appear to be a widely-used or unique pattern that warrants its own distinct name. When browsing most modern responsive websites on a mobile device or smaller screen, I often think of these dropdown menus as "mobile-menus." That's simply because they serve as the menu's default state on mobile platforms...

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