Place the image either above or below the text in a relative position

I have a peculiar dilemma that has been on my mind lately. As I work on designing my website, I am nearing completion of the responsive/mobile view. Currently, everything looks fine, but only because I use display: none; to hide images when the viewport is too small for them to display properly (you can check it out at

The specific images causing me trouble are the book in the book section and the parrot in the social section. If I don't hide these images, they will overlap with the text and block the content. Ideally, I want the book image to appear above the text perfectly centered. Despite playing around with the styles of these images, I still haven't found a solution.

I'm hoping someone here can help me crack this puzzle! Thank you in advance :)

Answer №1

You have already designated a flexbox parent for the <section id="about">, allowing us to manipulate the direction and order of its children.

@media (max-width: 1065px) {
  #about {
    flex-direction: column; /* rearrange children vertically */

  .leila-book-img {
display: none; <-- delete
margin: 0 auto;
order: 2; /* move the image container after the text */

.about-content {
padding-bottom: 1em;

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