What is the best way to apply CSS to my HTML code?

I have the files stored within my Django project.

My directory structure for templates looks like this:


In my base.html file, I link to the stylesheet like this:

<link type="text/css" href="/rules/style_base.css" rel="stylesheet" />

However, when checking with Firebug, I cannot see the CSS being applied.

Firebug displays a message saying 'There are no rules. You can create a rule.'

It also suggests an optional selection at

I prefer not to reference it via URLs but rather use my local directory.

So, how should I properly cite style_base.css?

Answer №1

Eliminate the initial slash to search from the current location.

Using the slash will start searching from the root directory, which may differ from the current location.

Answer №2

To modify your config.ini file, update the following variables:


Then include them in your code:

<script type="text/javascript" src="{{STATIC_URL}}script_main.js"></script>

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