The jQuery menu is malfunctioning in Internet Explorer due to the Document Mode being set to Quirks

I am encountering an issue where the below code is not functioning properly in Internet Explorer's document mode quirks. Each time I hover over the submenu, its length doubles unexpectedly. Can someone please provide assistance with this matter?

    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
    <div id="example" class="k-content">
      <div id="megaStore">
        <ul id="menu">
                  <li>Tables & Chairs</li>
                  <li>Occasional Furniture</li>
                  <li>Children's Furniture</li>
        $(document).ready(function() {

Answer №1

Kendo UI does not provide support for IE Quirks mode. In this mode, IE uses its IE5.5 engine to render content, which is even more broken than the IE6 mode.

To find out about supported browsers for Kendo UI, visit the Supported Browsers section on the Kendo UI website: Kendo UI Demos, and check out the documentation at: Technical Requirements

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