What is the reason behind HTML comment delimiters failing to function within HTML style tags?

Currently, I am utilizing CSS and HTML in my project. To implement styles, I am utilizing both an external stylesheet as well as a "style" element within the HTML to override certain styles.

However, I have encountered an issue. When I insert an HTML comment within the "style" element, the style override does not work as expected. Strangely enough, when I use CSS comments instead, the override functions correctly. Since the "style" element is part of HTML, it raises the question: why do HTML comments interfere with the overrides in the "style" element?

As an illustration:

            <!-- body{background:#eee;} -->

The provided example showcases the peculiar behavior of the styles being applied despite the presence of comment tags.

Check out the jsFiddle Demo (verified on Chrome 16.0.912.75 Windows 7)

Answer №1

When it comes to commenting on styles, use /* Style */ format, and for HTML make sure to follow the structure above.

Answer №2

CSS differs from markup languages as it is a standalone code block within an HTML page, much like JavaScript in a script block. While HTML comments are recognized throughout the HTML document, they do not function the same way inside a CSS style block.

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