What is the best way to align text alongside icons using ng-bootstrap in Angular 8?

I have a set of four icons positioned next to each other, but I want them to be evenly spaced apart. I tried using the justify-content-between class, but it didn't work. How can I achieve this?

I'm creating a Progressive Web App (PWA) for mobile phones.

  • Below, I will provide the code and an image illustrating how I want the layout to look. I am utilizing Bootstrap and Angular Material for this project.

Here is the code snippet with the icons:

<div class="main flex down fixed-bottom" >
<mat-toolbar class="colour">

    <div class="row justify-content-between">
        <div class="icons"> 
            <button mat-icon-button class="icons col-xs-3" >
            <button mat-icon-button class="icons col-xs-3" >
            <button mat-icon-button  class="icons col-xs-3">
            <button mat-icon-button class="icons col-xs-3" >

This is the current appearance:


This is the desired layout: https://i.stack.imgur.com/CkHpP.png

Answer №1

Follow this structure for your div.

<div class="main flex down fixed-bottom" >
<mat-toolbar class="colour">

        <div class=" icons row justify-content-between"> 
            <button mat-icon-button class="icons col-xs-3" >
            <button mat-icon-button class="icons col-xs-3" >
            <button mat-icon-button  class="icons col-xs-3">
            <button mat-icon-button class="icons col-xs-3" >


Answer №2

This is my solution

<div class="main flex down fixed-bottom" >
    <mat-toolbar class="colour">
            <div class="container icons">
                <div class=" row justify-content-between">
                    <button mat-icon-button class=" col-xs-3">
                    <button mat-icon-button class=" col-xs-3">
                    <button mat-icon-button class=" col-xs-3">
                    <button mat-icon-button class=" col-xs-3">

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