Our search box is showing suggested results but we are unable to access the specific product sku. What steps can we take to resolve this issue?

/* This is a global settings template for CSS. The code includes various styling rules for elements such as article, nav, form, header, and footer among others. There seems to be an issue with the CSS that may be affecting the functionality of a drop-down suggestion redirect feature. */

This CSS template contains styling instructions for different HTML elements. It appears that there might be a conflict in the CSS that is impacting the functionality of a specific drop-down suggestion redirection feature.

Answer №1

It seems that the links in the dropdown function properly, but you may be referring to the cursor.

To resolve this issue:
Go to: line 101 of jquery-ui.css

.ui-menu .ui-menu-item a{
    cursor: pointer !important;


Go to: line 69 of jquery-ui.css

.ui-autocomplete {

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