Changing the color of a Highcharts series bar according to its value

Playing around with Highcharts in this plunker has led me to wonder if it's possible to dynamically set the color of a bar based on its value. In my current setup, I have 5 bars that change values between 0 and 100 at intervals. I'd like the colors of these bars to indicate the range of numbers they represent, such as:

0 < x < 25 displaying a neutral color

25 < x < 50 showing up as yellow

50 < x < 75 appearing in orange

75 < x < 100 being colored red

While I've used series methods in the past with other APIs, changing bar colors doesn't seem straightforward with Highcharts. Although I've previously achieved this using Chart.js, I want to explore Highcharts further due to its popularity.

Answer ā„–1

After trying out the plunker link you provided, I added this code snippet at the bottom of the interval section, and it successfully changed the line color.

$scope.chart.series[0].update( {color: "red"} );

It might be more efficient to create a function that runs at the beginning of each interval. This function can generate random numbers and assign colors based on those numbers. You could store these values in an array of objects for easier management.

I'll leave the implementation of this function as a challenge for you to tackle.

Answer ā„–2

When fetching data from an AJAX call and working with a series array, you have the option to include a "color" property that will define the color of the bar.

In the provided example on Plunker, I made a modification right after $scope.jsondata = ret;:

$scope.jsondata[0].color = "red";

This resulted in the bar turning red. You can achieve this either on the server side and pass it to your JavaScript, or alternatively, perform a validation before setting the series in HighCharts to dynamically assign the color property based on certain conditions.

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