Creating a list element after clicking in ReactJS is achieved by using event handlers in

I have buttons and inputs that I want to use to generate a list item in the ul section at the end of my code. However, despite adding functions to handle this feature, it still doesn't work as intended.

import { useState } from 'react';
import './App.css';

function App() {

  const [income , setIncome] = useState(0) 
  const expense = 10 
  const balance = income - expense
  const [firstValue , setFirstValue] = useState("")
  const [secondValue , setSecondValue] = useState("")

  const handleChange = event => {

  const handleInputChange = event => {

  function updateIncome(event) {

  const createListItem = () => {

  function checkMaxLength (object){
    if ( > { =,

  function buttonOnClick() {

  return (
    <div >

        <div className='App'>
        Expense Tracker

      <main className='main'>

        <div className='income-box'>

          <div className='income'>Income

            <div className='numbers'>
              {income + "$"}


          <div className='expense'>Expense

            <div className='numbers'>
              {expense + "$"}



        <div className='income-input'>
          <input type="number" min="0" maxLength = "8" onInput={checkMaxLength} className='input' placeholder='Enter your Income' onChange={updateIncome}/>

        <div className='total-balance'>
          Total Balance : {balance}$

        **<div className='add-item'>Item
          <input type="text" className='adding-input' placeholder='Add Item' onChange={handleInputChange}/>

        <div className='add-item'>Amount
          <input type="number" className='adding-input' placeholder='Add Amount' onChange={handleChange}/>

        <div className='add-button'>
          <button type="button" className='expense-button' onClick={buttonOnClick}>Add Expense</button>



export default App;

Answer №1

Implement a state to store the values for the <li>s:

const [values, setValues] = useState([]);

In the <button> onClick event handler, add the firtValue and secValue to the state:

function handleClick() {
  setValues(values.concat(`${firtValue} ${secValue}`));

Create the listOfLi by mapping over the values:

const listOfLi =, i) => <li key={i}>{value}</li>);

Here is the complete code snippet:

import { useState } from 'react';

... // Other component logic remains unchanged

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