Creating a disabled HTML button that reacts to the :active CSS pseudo class


button:active {
/* active css */

button:disabled {
  opacity: 0.5;


<button disabled="disabled">Ok</button>

After clicking the button, the browser applies the button:active state to give the appearance of a click, despite the button being disabled. It was unexpected as I believed :active only applied to enabled buttons. What am I overlooking?

Answer №1

Based on my observation, it seems that the :active pseudo-class does not automatically exclude :disabled elements. For more information, you can refer to the specification.

To address this issue, one approach is to specifically target only :enabled elements with your :active selector in order to exclude :disabled elements:

button:enabled:active {
/* styles for active state */

button:disabled {
  opacity: 0.5;

See a demonstration here:

Answer №2

In accordance with the CSS3 guidelines (the :disabled feature is not included in CSS2.1), there is no explicit statement that the pseudo-classes :active and :disabled cannot be used together. It's possible that this aspect of the guidelines requires further clarification so user agents have the flexibility to apply both pseudo-classes in combination.

I recommend adjusting your selectors to provide clearer instructions:

button:enabled:active {
    /* styles for active state */
button:disabled {
    opacity: 0.5;

Answer №3

Another option is to utilize the :not()-selector in CSS:

button:active:not(:disabled) {
/* styles for when button is active but not disabled */

button:disabled {
  opacity: 0.5;

Best wishes to everyone, Patric

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