I am looking to modify the background color of characters in a text box once the characters in a textarea exceed 150 characters

Currently, I am utilizing event.data to capture the text inputted into this particular HTML textbox. My intention is to change the background color to red based on that input. However, when using the style attribute on event.data, I encounter an error. It's important to note that I'm not relying on jQuery for this task.

textarea.addEventListener('input', function( event ) {
    if( length > maxLength ) {
    // ...

I'm aiming for a solution similar to what is illustrated in this example.

Your assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

let input = document.getElementById('input');
input.addEventListener( 'keyup', event => {
  if( event.target.value.length > 150 )
    console.log('text is >150 chars')
<textarea id='input'>


If you ever have the need to emphasize specific text within an input field, it's important to note that this isn't directly possible in a textarea without selecting the text first.

While using contenteditable on an element might enable such functionality, it's not advisable due to the potential of introducing non-form elements within your form structure.

Answer №2

One effective solution is to utilize the maxlength attribute to restrict input to a maximum of 150 characters.

<textarea maxlength="150"></textarea>

In case the user surpasses the limit, you can apply styles using the :invalid CSS pseudo-class.

:invalid {
  background-color: red;

Answer №3

I've got everything I need, thank you

To create a red background effect on a webpage, use the following JavaScript function: var container = document.getElementById("red-background"); var paragraph = container.children[0]; var transparent = String(textarea.value).slice(0, tweetLength); var highlighted = String(textarea.value).slice(tweetLength);container.height = textarea.offsetHeight; paragraph.style.top = (-1 * parseInt(textarea.scrollTop)) + "px";paragraph.innerHTML = "" + transparent + "" + highlighted + ""; }

Answer №4

If you type more than your specified limit, the text will turn red. Is this the desired behavior? If not, please provide further explanation.

function adjustColor() {    // This function is triggered by user input in the textbox
   if (textBoxValue.length > maxLength ){
      document.getElementById('your textbox id').style.color = "red";


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