Opacity is causing issues with hover effects in CSS

I'm facing an unusual CSS challenge.

Check out this simple code snippet below that showcases the issue:

      .hover {
        float: right;
      .hover:hover {
        background-color: blue;
      .blocker {
        opacity: 0.5;
    <div class="hover">hover</div>
    <div class="blocker">blocker</div>

I have a situation where div A is floating over another div B with an opacity of 0.5. I want to apply a CSS hover effect on the floating div. However, for some reason, it doesn't seem to work.

Changing the float direction from right to left doesn't make a difference.

Interestingly, when I increase the opacity to 1, the hover effect starts working suddenly.

Could someone shed light on why this behavior occurs?

To "solve" this issue, I can wrap the content of the blocker div in a span, but it seems unnecessary.

Feel free to view this problem in action on jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/ed82z/1/

Answer №1

To simplify, an element is considered "above" another if its opacity is less than 1.

The crucial concept here is a Stacking Context.

When the opacity is set to a value below one, it creates a new stacking context and is positioned under the element according to the specification.

This behavior can be found in float and opacity:

The root element acts as the root stacking context. Other stacking contexts are formed by any positioned element (including relatively positioned elements) with a computed 'z-index' other than 'auto'. Stacking contexts may not necessarily be related to containing blocks. In future CSS versions, additional properties may introduce stacking contexts, such as 'opacity' [CSS3COLOR].

Regarding opacity:

An element with an opacity lower than 1 is composited from a single off-screen image, preventing content outside of it from being layered between pieces of content within it based on z-order. For this reason, implementations must generate a new stacking context for any element with an opacity below 1. If an element with opacity less than 1 is unpositioned, the layer it forms will be painted within its parent stacking context at the same order as if it had a ‘z-index: 0’ and ‘opacity: 1’. When an element with less than 1 opacity is positioned, the ‘z-index’ property follows the rules outlined in [CSS21], where 'auto' is equivalent to ‘0’ due to always creating a new stacking context. Refer to section 9.9 and Appendix E of [CSS21] for further details on stacking contexts. These guidelines do not apply to SVG elements, as SVG operates on its rendering model ([SVG11], Chapter 3).

How to resolve this:

You can address this issue by setting pointer-events to none, check out this fiddle.

Answer №2

To solve my issue, I found that adding overflow: hidden did the trick:

.blocker {
    opacity: 0.5;

Alternatively, you can also try this solution:

.blocker { 
        opacity: 0.5;

(Credit to @Eyal Barta for suggesting this option)

Check out this JSFiddle for a demonstration

The reason behind needing these changes is because .blocker was overlapping another div, a behavior easily observed using tools like Firebug.

By adding opacity, you're introducing a "stacking context".

This happens as a result of specific properties of these DIVs that cause them to establish a stacking context.

In this scenario, it's triggered by

elements with an opacity value less than 1.
This action assigns a z-index to your div, altering the order in which it's rendered.

To learn more about stacking contexts, check out this resource

Answer №3

The .blocker class is currently overlapping the .hover class due to the use of float:right;

.blocker {
    opacity: 0.5; 

To resolve this issue, you can either change the float:left property in the blocker class or set a fixed width of 100px for the div to prevent overlap.

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