Tips for aligning and emphasizing HTML content with audio stimuli

I am looking to add a unique feature where the text highlights as audio plays on a website. Similar to what we see on television, I would like the text to continue highlighting as the audio progresses.

Could someone please provide me with guidance on how to achieve this using any web technology?

Your help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

If you're looking to highlight text using JavaScript, there's a question similar to yours with an answer here: Simple JavaScript Animation for 1 Second to Highlight Text?

When it comes to audio, HTML5 is a great choice:

These resources should help point you in the right direction!

Answer №2

To incorporate captions into your audio file, you'll first need to create a vtt file containing the text for the captions. Next, link this vtt file to the audio code as follows:

    <audio src="sampleaudiofile.ogg">
      <track kind="captions" src="sampleaudiofile.en.vtt" srclang="en" label="English">

Here is a helpful link that provides an example of vtt format and instructions on how to implement it according to w3c specs.

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