Error: The value being evaluated in document.getElementById(x).style is not an object and is not supported

Desired Outcome for my Javascript:

I am working with a div that includes an "onmouseover='getPosition(x)'" attribute which can be dynamically added and removed through my javascript by clicking a specific button. The function 'getPosition()' should consistently run as long as the div is still present, updating and displaying its x and y positions in a textfield placeholder.

$("#canvas").append('<div onmouseover="getPosition(;" style="top:'+initXYpos+'px; left:'+initXYpos+'px;">Button '+index+'</div>');

The Issue at Hand:

Even after deleting the div containing "getPosition(", the function continues to execute, causing the following error: "TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'document.getElementById(x).style')"

I simply want the function to cease operation upon removal of the div.

This is the functionality of getPosition(x):

function getPosition(x){   
        timer =  setInterval(function() {
          var xPos = document.getElementById(x).style.left;
          var yPos = document.getElementById(x);
          document.getElementById(x+'_fieldX').placeholder = xPos;
          document.getElementById(x+'_fieldY').placeholder = yPos;
        }, 10); }


I apologize if this appears to be a simple mistake on my part. I am fairly new to Javascript and would appreciate any assistance you could provide. Thank you for your understanding and willingness to help.

Answer №1

If you're working with JavaScript and decide to delete a specific div element, it's important to remember to halt any associated timer by including this line of code:


It might be worth considering removing the timer altogether, as it may not be necessary for accomplishing your desired outcome.

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