React-Native-Web generates default classes for inline styles and erroneously applies them in a jumbled sequence

Currently working on a project involving react native web and NextJS. I have encountered an issue with inline styles in React that seems to be caused by RN-Web.

It appears that there is a mechanism within the framework that automatically generates classes for commonly used styles, such as:

.r-borderWidth-rs99b7 {
    border-width: 1px;

While this may optimize performance, it results in the styles being applied in the wrong order and occasionally duplicating them.

Take a look at my code snippet below:

              width: '100%',
              padding: 8,
              borderRadius: 32,
              borderColor: '#aaa',
              flexDirection: 'row',
              alignItems: 'center',
              borderWidth: 1,
            onPress={() => console.log('pressed')}

Upon compilation by NextJS, the output HTML looks like this: {
    align-items: center;
    border-color: rgb(170, 170, 170);
    border-radius: 32px;
    flex-direction: row;
    padding: 8px;
    transition-duration: 0s;
    width: 100%;
    -webkit-box-align: center;
    -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
... (additional styles) ...

.css-view-1dbjc4n {
... (default view styles) ...

.r-borderWidth-rs99b7 {
... (border-width style) ...

.css-view-1dbjc4n {
... (duplicate default view styles) ...

Some odd observations include:

  • Duplication of the default View style
  • The separate declaration of my border-width style into its own class
    • This behavior specifically occurs when using multiple elements with inline border-width styles, suggesting some form of optimization.
  • Incorrect order of applying the View style above the border width style

If anyone has insights or solutions regarding this peculiar issue before I reach out to the react-native-web and NextJS repositories, your input would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Finally figured it out!

After scouring through the github issues for NextJS and react-native-web, I stumbled upon this problem that perfectly described what I was facing.

Although the problematic library had been fixed years ago, with some trial and error and heavy use of this resource,

I managed to pinpoint the issue to a specific code snippet. Eliminating it from the application resolved all CSS issues.

import { SafeAreaProvider } from 'react-native-safe-area-context'

To be honest, I can't even remember why I initially added SafeAreaProvider at this point. It appears to be necessary for a non-native SafeAreaView, but the built-in SafeAreaView in RN + RN-Web is functioning perfectly fine for me.

If anyone else encounters similar setbacks, I hope this response guides you towards the right solution path.

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