Modifying the background hue of the element-ui tooltip

I am currently working with vue.js version 2.6.10 and element-ui version 2.15.1. The element-ui component I am using is as follows:

<el-tooltip content="Top center" placement="top">

By default, the tooltip has a black background.

After referring to the documentation, I noticed the existence of the effect attribute with accepted values of dark or light.

I am curious if there is a way to customize the background color of el-tooltip?


I attempted the following:

<el-tooltip content="Top center" placement="top" effect="light" class="custom-tooltip">
    <style scoped>
    .custom-tooltip {
        background-color: #ffcc00;
        color: #000;

Resulted in:

Another attempt (following the example):

<el-tooltip content="Top center" placement="top" effect="light" effect="customized">

    <style> {
      /* Set padding to ensure the height is 32px */
      padding: 6px 12px;
      background: linear-gradient(90deg, rgb(159, 229, 151), rgb(204, 229, 129));
    } .el-popper__arrow::before {
      background: linear-gradient(45deg, #b2e68d, #bce689);
      right: 0;

Resulted in:

Answer №1

To achieve customized styling, CSS can be utilized effectively by targeting specific elements. I demonstrated this in a CodePen using Vue 2 and Element UI v2, where I inspected the DOM to identify the necessary CSS for customization. Here is the code snippet I came up with:

<el-tooltip content="Top center" placement="top" effect="customized">
  <el-button>Custom Tooltip</el-button>
/* Styling for tooltip body */ {
  background: #50C878;

/* Styling for tooltip arrow body */ .popper__arrow {
  border-top-color: #50C878;

/* Styling for tooltip arrow border */ .popper__arrow::after {
  border-top-color: #50C878;

The provided code is specifically for tooltips with a placement="top". For other placements, adjustments to border-{placement}-color will be required. For example:

placement="bottom" necessitates changing border-bottom-color

placement="left" necessitates changing border-left-color

If customizing multiple tooltips with varying positions, it is advisable to assign unique effect names to each, altering the CSS selector for{effectName}
to avoid conflicts.

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