Implementing Mouse Scroll Click Functionality in ASP.NET with C# (Without JavaScript)

How can I add a Mouse Scroll Click (Middle Button) event in ASP.NET and C#?

I have already looked into the MouseWheel Event, but it did not provide the solution I was looking for.

This is the order in which mouse events occur:

  • MouseEnter
  • MouseMove
  • MouseHover / MouseDown / MouseWheel
  • MouseUp
  • MouseLeave

I have also experimented with some code snippets from Stack Overflow.

Alert using jQuery for middle mouse button click?

However, this implementation requires JavaScript and may not work well on Firefox browser. Can I achieve this functionality using ASP.NET and C#? If so, please advise.

Thank you .

Answer №1

  1. Detect the middle mouse click using JavaScript
  2. Save the current page state in different variables
  3. Keep track of the mouse click information in a variable on the page
  4. Trigger a page postback event
  5. Check the value of the variable from Step 3 on the Server side and raise the MiddleClick event if it exists
  6. In the middleClick event handler, perform necessary actions

You can create your own framework by converting the client side JavaScript code and Server side event mechanism to enable middle click functionality in multiple locations.

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