What could be causing the overlap between the button and the div element?

My main wrapper div contains a content div and a button. However, I'm facing an issue where the button is overlapping with the content div instead of appearing below it.

The content div is styled with the following CSS:

#groupMembers {
    position: absolute;
    height: 50%;
    width: 90%;
    left: 5%;
    overflow: scroll;
    display: inline-block;

and the button has the following CSS:

button {
    display: inline-block;
    width: 70%;
    left: 15%;

I initially believed that since both elements are inline-block, they shouldn't overlap. However, despite my efforts, they still do. You can view the issue in this JsFiddle demo: http://jsfiddle.net/b5hp6boz/

Can anyone provide guidance on how to make sure the button appears beneath the content div?

Answer №1

Eliminate the excessive use of absolute positioning.... Replace it with position: relative; if necessary. However, in many cases, even that might not be required.

Reposition the button div directly under the <h4>add members</h4> in the HTML where you intend to place it.

Then make adjustments to the margins for #DIV_05 and the button.

Update Fiddle Link or Another Fiddle Update

(Please note that I simply searched for instances of absolute in your CSS and changed them to relative, then made further adjustments.)

By relying so heavily on absolute positioning, you were restricting elements to unnatural placements. And when things didn't work out as expected.. it became a source of confusion. Let elements naturally find their positions. Modify the HTML to improve overall layout flow, instead of forcefully using absolute positioning.

Absolute positioning is typically used for adjusting z-index and preventing elements from affecting the position of other elements. It should not be the default method for positioning every element in a layout.

Answer №2

Your code is experiencing an issue due to the CSS applied to #DIV_5:

position: absolute;

When you give a HTML element an absolute position, it is taken out of the normal document flow and does not affect the positioning of other elements. This results in the button being placed directly below the H4_4 element instead of where it should be.

To resolve this, simply remove the position: absolute; property from #DIV_5. Keep in mind that using absolute positioning excessively can lead to further complications.

Answer №3

To improve the positioning of your div tag, consider increasing its z-index value.

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