The animation is not updating quickly enough

I'm working on a navigation bar that sticks to the top of the page. As the user scrolls down, I want the bar to shrink, and when they scroll back up, it should return to its original size.

Issue: The problem I'm facing is that when the user quickly scrolls back to the top of the page, the navbar remains shrunk, and there's a delay in triggering the animate() function within the scrollTop() callback function.

To troubleshoot this, I added

to track the user's position on the page. This logs the position instantly as the user scrolls. However, {console.log('animated'); which should fire after the animation completes, only appears a few seconds later after
shows 0.

How can I make the animate() function respond promptly when the user scrolls up?

JavaScript Code

var navBar = $('#navbar-inner');
var top = navBar.css('top');
$(window).scroll(function() {
    if($(this).scrollTop() > 50) {
        navBar.animate({'marginTop':'-20', 'height':'60'}, 300);
    } else {
        navBar.animate({'marginTop':'0', 'height':'80'}, 300, function() 

Answer №1

(I am sharing my thoughts as a response)

To halt any current animations, utilize the .stop() function before initiating a new one.

Answer №2

I've encountered similar issues in the past with animations that outlast user actions. A quick fix is to simply stop the animation using the following code:

navBar.stop(true, true).animate(...);

If you want to learn more about how the stop() function works, check out this link Hopefully, this information proves helpful.

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