How can you specifically target the initial row of a CSS grid using Tailwind?

Currently in my vue application, I have a loop set up like this:

<div class="grid grid-cols-3 gap-14">
   <article-card v-for="(article, index) in articles" :key="index" :content="article" />

Everything is working fine so far. However, I want to style the first row of the css-grid differently - perhaps by using something like

grid-template-columns: 1fr 2fr 1.5fr;
to make them stand out more.

Does anyone know how I can achieve this? I am utilizing tailwindcss, so maybe that could come in handy?

Answer №1

When dealing with the first-child element, you can apply styling using the "first" modifiers:

To implement this in your code, include a condition for the first index (assuming it is 1) and assign the appropriate style. The implementation of the condition is assumed to be known as I am only mentioning the style usage-

 <article-card  first:your-style />

For more information, refer to the official documentation on tailwind CSS. First, last, odd, and even

Here is a code example obtained from Tailwind CSS that could be beneficial:

<ul role="list" class="p-6 divide-y divide-slate-200">
   {#each people as person}
      <!-- Remove top/bottom padding when first/last child -->
      <li class="flex py-4 first:pt-0 last:pb-0">
         <img class="h-10 w-10 rounded-full" src="{person.imageUrl}" alt="" />
         <div class="ml-3 overflow-hidden">
            <p class="text-sm font-medium text-slate-900">{}</p>
            <p class="text-sm text-slate-500 truncate">{}</p>

Answer №2

If you happen to be working with Tailwind version 3, then the arbitrary values feature is available for use. For instance:

<div class="grid-cols-[200px_minmax(900px,_1fr)_100px]">
  <!-- ... -->

Simply enclose values in square brackets [...] and replace spaces with _.

Refer to the documentation for more detailed information.

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