background with alternating stripes to decorate the border of a div

Is it possible to give a striped effect to a div element's border using jQuery?

Consider the following code snippet:

<style type="text/css">
    #panel {
        padding: 50px text-align: center;
        background-color: #e5eecc;
        border: solid 10px #c3c3c3;

<div id="panel">Hello world!</div>

In this example, the border of the div has a solid grey color (#c3c3c3). Instead of a solid color, I want to achieve a striped effect (similar to zebra stripes) with preferably using jQuery.

Answer №1

Utilize border images for a unique design:

Learn more about border images here

Implementation example:

border-image:url(images/stripe.png) 15 20 30 30 repeat;
border-width: 15px 20px 30px 30px;

Generate your own stripe image pattern from StripeGenerator that repeats seamlessly.

Note - Border images are not supported in IE versions below 11 (consider this based on your target audience)

An alternative approach is to add a striped background to an element wrapping your div, apply padding to create the effect along with setting the background color of your div to #FFF.

Answer №2

To achieve a striped look, you can use the dashed border style:

border: dashed 10px #c3c3c3;

Alternatively, you can achieve this using jQuery:

$("#panel").css("border","dashed 10px #c3c3c3")

Keep in mind that you have the option to switch out c3c3c3 for black if you prefer a more zebra-like appearance.

Check out the DEMO here

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