Scrolling to does not function properly with Material UI tabs

Looking for a solution to scroll to a specific div when clicking on a tab in Material UI Tabs using UseRef and ScrollTo.

Check out the sandbox link here:

Currently, when I click on Tab 2, I expect it to automatically scroll to the content of Tab 2 while also keeping Tab 1 visible. However, it currently requires two clicks to achieve this. Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

After some editing, I included a useEffect hook in the sample code. This allows for scrolling to content 2 when tab is pressed.

Check out the updated example here

Answer №2

Introducing the new visibleScrollbar attribute: <Tabs visibleScrollbar >

When set to true, this feature makes the scrollbar visible within the tab display. Particularly helpful when presenting a lengthy vertical list of tabs.

Answer №3

follow this syntax

  classes={{ root: classes.root, scroller: classes.scroller }}
  onChange={(event, newValue) => {
  {, index) => (
    <Tab key={index} label={city} value={city} />

pay attention to these two specific lines of properties


for a complete example, check out:

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