Loop through an array of div IDs and update their CSS styles individually

How can I iterate through an array of Div IDs and change their CSS (background color) one after the other instead of all at once? I have tried looping through the array, but the CSS is applied simultaneously to all the divs. Any tips on how to delay the effect so that each div changes its color sequentially would be greatly appreciated.

    for (var i=0; i < randomArray.length; i++) {
        $("#" + randomArray[i]).css("backgroundColor", "Black"); //Is there a way to change the colors one by one instead of all together?//

Answer №1

If you want a cleaner and faster solution, consider using CSS animation delays.

var elements = ["elem1", "elem2", "elem3"];


     for (var i=0; i < elements.length; i++) {

         $("#" + elements[i]).addClass("fade-"+i);


You now have classes like fade-1, fade-2, fade-3 to work with.

In your CSS file:

   background-color: black;
   transition: background-color 1s;
   transition-delay: 1s;
   transition-delay: 2s;

Answer №2

experiment with this code snippet

let count = 0;
function adjustStyle(number){
if(count < array.length){
     $("#" + array[number]).css("color", "Red");

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