Troubleshooting a Custom Menu Control in HTML

Would you mind taking a look at the menu I have set up in this fiddle:

(function ($) {

    $.fn.menumaker = function (options) {

        var cssmenu = $(this), settings = $.extend({
            title: "Menu",
            format: "dropdown",
            sticky: false
        }, options);

        return this.each(function () {
            cssmenu.prepend('<div id="menu-button">' + settings.title + '</div>');
            $(this).find("#menu-button").on('click', function () {
                var mainmenu = $(this).next('ul');
                if (mainmenu.hasClass('open')) {
                else {
                    if (settings.format === "dropdown") {

            cssmenu.find('li ul').parent().addClass('has-sub');

            multiTg = function () {
                cssmenu.find(".has-sub").prepend('<span class="submenu-button"></span>');
                cssmenu.find('.submenu-button').on('click', function () {
                    if ($(this).siblings('ul').hasClass('open')) {
                    else {

            if (settings.format === 'multitoggle') multiTg();
            else cssmenu.addClass('dropdown');

            if (settings.sticky === true) cssmenu.css('position', 'fixed');

            resizeFix = function () {
                if ($(window).width() > 768) {

                if ($(window).width() <= 768) {
            return $(window).on('resize', resizeFix);


(function ($) {
    $(document).ready(function () {

            title: "Menu",
            format: "multitoggle"


The responsive menu is working well on jsFiddle, but when viewed in full screen mode and hovering over a parent list item, the children appear to the right, causing some of them to go off-screen and creating a horizontal scroll bar.

If there are too many items in the parent list, the issue becomes more pronounced when hovering over items on the far right. The children are forced to display on the right and move out of view, triggering the appearance of the scroll bar.

Is there a way to make the children appear on the left side instead of the right when they exceed the boundaries of the screen?

EDIT: Take a look at the full-screen output here:

Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

My guess is that JavaScript is required to achieve this.

To update your ready function, add the mouseenter event. This event will trigger when the mouse hovers over an li element with a class of has-sub.

(function ($) {
$(document).ready(function () {

        title: "Menu",
        format: "multitoggle"

    $("li.has-sub").on("mouseenter", function(){

        var element = $(this).find("ul");
        // Remove the class beforehand so it always defaults correctly.

        // If the rendered menu and its page offset are wider than the body 
        if (element.offsetWidth + element.offset().left > document.body.offsetWidth)



Add this CSS:

.showleft {
    left : -230px !important;    

Check it out, it works here:

Answer №2

Begin by determining the width of the document and a sub-division using JavaScript. Then, during a hover event on the submenu, set the minimum width of the generated division. If it exceeds the minimum height, animate the submenu to a desired position or apply styling using JavaScript CSS properties.

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