Display a "Loading" image in the gallery before anything else loads

Can a animated loading gif be implemented to load before the gallery images, or would it serve no purpose?

The image will be loaded as a background using CSS.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="loading.gif" />

Appreciate your help!

Answer №1

Start by loading the "spinner" image first. Once the gallery images have finished asynchronously loading, swap out the spinner with the newly loaded images.

Answer №2

My preferred method is to provide a reference link instead of duplicating code, and here is an example from CSS tricks.

Answer №3

If you want to hide an image and then switch it in when it loads, you can achieve this by placing a spinner behind the image and using some CSS trickery. Wrap the image in a div element where you define your spinner, then use CSS to hide the image. Trigger a function on the image's onload event to fade the image in once it has loaded.

Here is a simple example of how to accomplish this:


// Function to display the image when it loads
var loaded = function(img){

  <div class="img_wrapper">
    <img id="image1" src="http://theselby.com/media/2_28_11_SupremeCoffee7598.jpg" alt="" onload="loaded(this)"/>

Check out the fiddle for the complete CSS code. In my example, I use a black box as the background instead of a spinner. You can replace the black box with your own spinner image. Additionally, I add a fading effect to the image once it finishes loading, but you can customize this according to your preferences.

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