What steps can I take to ensure that the v-main element occupies at least 70% of the viewport height in Vuetify?

As a newcomer to Vuetify, I am still learning the ropes. One thing I've noticed is that <v-main> automatically expands to fill the space between <v-app-bar> and <v-footer>, taking up the entire viewport height.
My concern arises when <v-footer> becomes too large, causing <v-main> to shrink in size. To address this issue, I came up with a logic to ensure that <v-main> occupies at least 70% of the viewport height regardless of browser or device:

    <v-main v-resize="fn_guarantee_container_min_height">


    methods: {
        fn_guarantee_container_min_height() {
            const comp_container = document.querySelector("#main--bg");
            const num_height__container = comp_container.scrollHeight;
            const num_height__container__estimated = window.innerHeight * 0.7;

            if(num_height__container < num_height__container__estimated)
                comp_container.style = `min-height: ${num_height__container__estimated}px`;
                comp_container.style = undefined;
    mounted() {

However, the automatic stretching behavior of <v-main> causes a lag effect as it constantly adjusts its size to fit the viewport (100vh). I'm in search of a solution to avoid this problem. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

  • I have tried debouncing and throttling without much success in resolving the issue.

Answer №1

Hey @lee, is it possible for you to include an additional class in v-main and utilize CSS to apply min-height: 70vh;?

For example:

<v-main class="v-main-container">


<style lang="scss" scoped>

.v-main-container {
  min-height: 70vh;


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